

To ensure uniformity of the research proposals, all students shall be required to adhere to the guidelines in the graduate handbook.

Requirements for Thesis and Dissertation

  • Master’s thesis shall have 20,000-30,000 words (80-120 pages).
  • PhD dissertation shall have 50,000-80,000 words (220-300 pages).
  • It should be typed with double line spacing.
  • Font type is Times New Roman and font size 12.
  • The margin for the final thesis should be 1 inch on the top, right, and bottom, and 1.5 inches (11/2) on the left to allow binding.
  • Handbound copies should be six (6).
  • Final thesis/dissertation must have the approval page signed by all signatories by hand. (E-signatures are not allowed.)
  • Submit a CD with the thesis/dissertation in Word document and PDF formats.

Thesis Management System (TMS)

The TMS is a tracking system and one-stop shop aimed at viewing academic activities in one place. It creates a conducive learning environment for graduate students. Through TMS, postgraduate students apply for:

  • Allocation of supervisors,
  • Proposal presentation,
  • ISERC clearance,
  • Thesis/dissertation defense.

Graduate Student Tracking System

The objectives of the system are to:

  • Maintain an accurate and easily retrievable record of the progress of each graduate student.
  • Keep track of all graduate students in session and those who have completed coursework.
  • Keep track of the student’s contact with their supervisors easily.
  • Ease the retrieval of records of submitted progress reports.

Graduation Clearance Requirements

  1. Clearance of thesis/dissertation form
  2. Approval page must be duly signed.
  3. Correction certificate
  4. Plagiarism check (18% or lower)
  5. Meet thesis/dissertation guidelines and style of writing format
  6. Ethical clearance (ISERC)
  7. Research permit (NACOSTI or its equivalent)
  8. CUE requirements (PhD publications & number of words)