The Directorate of Postgraduate Studies

The mandate of the directorate of postgraduate studies.

Our Mandate

The mandate of the directorate of postgraduate studies is to coordinate postgraduate programmes and research in the university and to provide oversight to graduate students enrolled in the programs to ensure quality and integrity in in their academic pursuits.

The directorate of postgraduate studies is expected to bring a robust collaborative relationship by working closely with Schools and other university departments to come up with friendly processes that will support graduate students achieve the highest quality of educational experience at Daystar

Academic Activities

Coordinates academic matters relating to postgraduate students in the university.

Procedures and Policies

Monitor implementation of postgraduate procedures and policies in the University.

Building Relationships

Works closely with schools/departments to enhance good educational experience.


Provides oversight and tracking of postgraduate students from admission to completion.

Academic Support

Provision of academic support to faculty and postgraduate students in all phases of their research

Capacity Building

Organises workshops and training for graduate students on referencing style, research seminars and colloquiums.


Creates a faculty students mentor programs to promote and support students grow and enrich career growth.

Thesis Management System

Monitoring students’ thesis and dissertation through TMS and ensuring proper use of the System.

More functions?

Student Publications.


Work with the deans of schools to ensure graduate students comply with all the University policies and Commission of University Education (CUE) regulations.


Ensure graduate students publish in peer-reviewed journals as per the CUE requirements.


Organize postgraduate interdisciplinary colloquiums, seminars and conferences to Disseminate research findings.